History and Milestones
The Company entered into Sale and Purchase Agreements to acquire oil palm plantation land in Sabah with a total gross land area of approximately 2,862 acres. |
Biogas plant at Kota Tinggi mill commenced supplying power up to 1.8MW per hour to grid. |
All the plantations and mills under the Group have passed the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil ("MSPO") audit and have obtained MSPO certification. |
The Company had successfully implemented Corporate Exercises involving Shares Split (1 existing ordinary share to 3 Subdivided Shares) and Bonus Issue of Warrants (1 Warrant for every 20 Subdivided Shares) in April 2018. |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad was awarded by The Edge in year 2018 as the highest returns to shareholders over three years in Malaysia (Plantation). |
Keningau mill was awarded by MPOB as the best palm oil mill (External FFB source in Sabah/Sarawak). |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad was awarded by The Edge in year 2016 as the highest returns to shareholders over three years in Malaysia (Plantation). |
Telupid Mill was awarded by MPOB for achieving the highest OER (External FFB Source) in Malaysia. |
The Group expanded into Sarawak by acquiring Tetangga Akrab Pelita (Pantu) Sdn. Bhd. (currently known as Winsome Pelita (Pantu) Sdn. Bhd.), a joint venture company with Pelita Holdings Sdn. Bhd. to develop Native Customary Rights Land ("NCR Land") with estimated plantable area of 6,300 Ha in Sri Aman Division. |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad received the shareholder value award (Agriculture & Fisheries sector) from KPMG. Commissioned the second palm-pressed fibre oil extraction plant. |
Commissioned the 3rd palm oil mill at Telupid, Sabah. Commissioned our first CDM project at Kota Tinggi in August 2008. Kim Loong Resources Berhad received an award from Malaysia Cocoa Board under cocoa estate category. |
The Group undertook another CDM project in our Keningau mill. Commissioned the world’s first palm-pressed fibre oil extraction plant. Keningau mill was awarded by MPOB as the highest OER mill in Malaysia in year 2007. |
The Group undertook a biogas plant in our Kota Tinggi mill as a Clean Development Mechanism (“CDM”) project under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”). |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad completed the issuance of 64,050,000 new ordinary shares together with 42,700,000 detachable free warrants pursuant to a right issue exercise. |
Keningau Mill was awarded by MPOB for achieving OER exceeding 25% |
Capacity of our Keningau Mill was successfully expanded to 45 MT of FFB per hour. |
The Group entered into a Development cum Joint Venture with Al-Yatama Berhad to develop 2,702 acres of land in Kota Tinggi, Johor. |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad expanded its downstream diversification by entering into a Supply and Installation Contract and a Joint Venture Agreement in 2004 to undertake projects to extract CPO from wet palm fibre and extract tocotrienol concentrates from CPO under Kim Loong Technologies Sdn. Bhd. and Palm Nutraceuticals Sdn. Bhd. respectively. |
Construction of the Keningau Mill which commenced operations in February 2003. |
Kota Tinggi Mill won the most innovative mill award by MPOB. |
Kim Loong Resources Berhad was listed on the Main Board of the Kuala Lumpur Stock Exchange (now known as Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad). |
Diversification into bio-fertilizer business under Kim Loong Evergrow Sdn. Bhd. |
As part of the listing restructuring exercise, KLPO group (milling operations at Kota Tinggi, Johor) and KLC (the plantation and milling operations at Sook, Keningau, Sabah) were transferred to Kim Loong Resources Berhad. |
Incorporation of Kim Loong Corporation Sdn. Bhd. ("KLC") by SKL to enter into a JV with Desa Cattle (S) Sdn Bhd to develop 17,731 acres of land into oil palm plantation and to erect new palm oil mill in Sook, Keningau, Sabah. Kota Tinggi Mill was ranked the largest commercial mill in Malaysia in terms of its CPO Production. |
Restructuring exercise to transfer all Sabah plantation operations to Kim Loong Resources Berhad. |
Incorporation of Desa Kim Loong Plantations Sdn. Bhd. (currently known as Kim Loong – KPD Plantations Sdn. Bhd.) to enter into a JV with Korporasi Pembangunan Desa to develop 4,000 acres of land in Telupid, Sandakan, Sabah into an oil palm plantation. |
Incorporation of Sungkit Enterprise Sdn. Bhd. (currently a subsidiary of Kim Loong Resources Berhad) to undertake kernel crushing activities. |
Sharikat Kim Loong Sendirian Berhad expanded into Sabah by acquiring 1,000 acres of land in Sandakan, Sabah. Cocoa was first planted on the land followed by oil palm. |
Sharikat Kim Loong Sdn Bhd commenced construction of palm oil mill under Kim Loong Palm Oil Sdn. Bhd. (currently a subsidiary of Kim Loong Resources Berhad) in its estate at Ulu Tiram, Johor. |
Incorporation of Kim Loong Palm Oil Sdn. Bhd. (currently a subsidiary of Kim Loong Resources Berhad) by SKL to undertake the milling operation and relocation of palm oil mill to Kota Tinggi, Johor under Kim Loong Palm Oil Mills Sdn. Bhd. which commenced operations in 1996. |
Sharikat Kim Loong Sendirian Berhad ("SKL"), holding company of Kim Loong Resources Berhad commenced business with 1,000-acre rubber plantation at Ulu Tiram, Johor. (The first planting of oil palm started in 1968). |